
Hello, I am Artem Boldariev. Welcome to my personal homepage.
I have a broad spectrum of interests, but it seems that technology is my passion. Currently, I work as a programmer. I like to study different programming languages and have deep interests in computer science and programming. These things, as you might expect, greatly affect the content of the site, but I might write about different things from time to time.
I believe in learning by doing principle. As a result of this principle, most of my personal projects emerge from the need to make myself familiar with some topics. I hope you will find the information on this site useful or, even, entertaining.
Feel free to send me an e-mail, or reach out to me via the social network of your choice if e-mail is not your thing. You might find the links to my social networks profiles at the bottom of the page.
If you need to contact me privately and securely, my PGP key is available:
286F CFB5 AFEB 353D 5668 0C6E 5902 6D2F F7F8 1F7B